
Corporal Bulford RCMP – About your rights
Corporal Bulford is about to lose his job with the RCMP for standing up and aligning himself with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Mask Poster – Renfrew
Honour our veterans. Honour our courageous citizens! Join us at a rally for freedom on Parliament Hill – November 6th, 2021 – 10am

Mask Poster – Ottawa
Honour our veterans. Honour our courageous citizens! Join us at a rally for freedom on Parliament Hill – November 6th, 2021 – 10am

Rocco Galati – Duties and Rights of Business Owners on Masking
Rocco Galati – Duties and rights of business owners on masking during Covid.

Fight Back – Notice of Liability
Learn how to exercise your rights when it comes to your employer or businesses that demand your personal health information.

Dr. Kory presents a solution of miraculous impact of fighting the Covid illness, without having in be injected with an experimental vaccine. Dr. Kory has saved lives and has been thanked for other doctors for his work and research.

People Will Die A Few Months After The First MRNA Vaccinations
The "Experimental Covid Vaccine" is an MRNA based chemical compound. MRNA vaccines have never been successfully tested to be administered to humans. Professor Delores Cahill explains why people will start dying from the Experimental Vaccine within a few months of...

Biowarfare Weaponization of Medicine Amid Covid
Dr. Lee Merritt has a fascinating perspective on what's happening with vaccinations. Dr. Merritt is no ordinary doctor: Dr. Merritt is a lifelong member of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society She is the past president of the American Association of Physicians...

Shareable Meme – Never Give Up Your Rights!
Never give up your rights! We the people, when organized, are feared by nefarious governments. We outnumber them and we are stronger in numbers. Participate in politics for the rights reasons, and don’t be baited by sideshow promises designed to divide us.

Shareable Meme – Government threatening a new system of compliance identification – the “Vaccine Passport”
The government wants you to carry a “vaccine passport” for compliance identification. Seems there was another time in history when the government insisted you to identify yourself using compliance identification.

Shareable Meme – This is what WWIII looks like

All Doctors Warning
When you’re a doctor and you care about your children, you make videos like this to warn other parents. Dr. Andrew Kaufman

Shareable Meme – Death by Doug Ford
This même represents the position of tens of thousands of doctors around the world - "The lockdowns are doing more harm than the virus". Feel free to download, copy and share.

Roman Baber MPP Petition – End The Lockdowns
Join Roman Baber against Doug Ford (Ontario), John Tory (Toronto) Jim Watson (Ottawa) and their disastrous lockdowns. Sign the petition.

Masks And Mask Wearing:100 Facts You Must Know
Did you know that a doctor named Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, wrote a paper stating 100 reasons why you shouldn't wear a mask? PDF document: More Harm Than Good

Dr Simone Gold – The Truth About The CV19 Vaccine
This is the video that's going viral "under the radar". Currently, it's reached over a million views on Youtube, but it's been banned or "shadow banned" on Vimeo, Twitter, Facebook and other platforms. We're not telling you to believe it or not. We're giving you the...

Ontario Medical Officers Of Health Admit Incompetence
Dr. David Williams, Chief Medical Officer of Health and Dr. Barbara Yaffe, Associate Chief Medical Officer of Health for Ontario were caught on a hot mic just prior to a Covid News Conference in December 2020. Dr. Yaffe admitted she doesn't know why she brings all of...

Retail sector makes up less than 0.1% of Ontario Corona Virus cases, new data says
Despite such an incredibly low transmission rate attributed to retail stores, and a 99.5% recovery rate for Corona Virus illness without medical intervention among the weakest in our society, Doug Ford decided to illegally lockdown Ontario anyway. The details are...